Selasa, 31 Mei 2011


This is my Cat, her name is Nemu (say 'e' just like you say 'tempeh'). She has 4 kitten, name: Kuro, Saki, Yuta, and Hiro. They are very cutie :3

But one of them, Yuta, was dead when it was 2 weeks :'(

ehem ehem

okay holaa blogger. Very looong time since the lastes my post haha. I do.t have idea to post something so I don't do anything hehe. Gomenne T_T

okaaaaay let's start this ;)

Senin, 13 September 2010


confusing to do anything. want to place rental comic, but I was lazy road. want to go but the guns are friends. starvation as well.

What to watch DVDs? but I was lazy. Vacation so lazy to do anything .

have lunch, still puzzled like doing. since this just download the manga. want to download again but want to find a new genre of story. lazy to move, but must return the loan comics.
I'm bored. guns no work. guns are friends. alone at home. but still a lot of homework but I was lazy really ngerjainnya.

still a vacation, want to read comics much as you like. want to watch movies but also still looking for friends first let alone guns.


Holla blogger ...
huuuaah baru sempet buka blog nih ..

oh ya belum ngucapin , Minal Aidzin walfaidzin yaaaaa !
uhuhu maafin yaa kalo punya banyak salah *pasti banyak salahnya

bloger, aku ga sempet ikutan mudik, soalnya tiba-tiba aku sakit gidu deeh *curcol dikit
yaaah jadi ga ikutan mudik. Mana ga dapet THR pula :( *udah gede masih ngarep THR wkwk

Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010

holla blogger :)
long time no see ya !

hmm bingung sih kalo mau main Blog, yaaah namanya juga orang baru hahaha ..

oh ya , tanggal 28&29 kemarin aku ada acara gitu di sekolah. Acara mabit (Malam Bina Taqwa). Acara ini rutin di setiap bulan Ramadhan, dan selama bersekolah di SMP, 3 tahun berturut-turut aku ikuti tuh -__- #rajin amat yak?

uurgh , sorry ya kalo Blog ku masih membosankan, maklum laah namanya juga masih pemula ..

Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010

Anatomi O,O

WoooW !!
tanggal 8 Agustus kemarin pertama kalinya liat organ-organ tubuh manusia langsung lhoo O,o
Tubuh manusia yg sudah meninggal itu di keringkan dan hanya tersisa serat-seratnya aja. Walaupun agak geli ngeliatnya, tapi harus berani karena untuk belajar kita :)

Have fun with it !!